Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World Aids Day: Youth Finding a Voice

Today is World AIDS Day. I read an article in the Huffington Post written by a graduate of Harvard School of Public Health, Rena Greifinger, and some colleagues about the impact of HIV on youth. She discusses a global phenomenon that
"Young people 10 to 24 years old make up one of the most vulnerable, yet historically overlooked populations affected by the HIV pandemic."
But brings the issue close to home -- 330 young people currently living in Massachusetts were infected with HIV at birth.

While the numbers seem small, the stigma surrounding life with HIV/AIDS lends a heavy burden to those affected, their friends and family.

Read the article, it's short, it's personal, and it's inspiring.


Rena said...

Thanks for posting this Katelyn. I was shocked and dismayed to wake up this morning and find virtually no mainstream media coverage of World AIDS Day. This was entirely different than in years past. While prevention efforts, both medical and psychosocial, have been tremendous in helping to turn HIV/AIDS from a "death sentence" into a chronic condition, the stigma, fear and isolation experienced by people living with the virus have not changed all that much. We have a lot of work left to do and giving people, especially young people, a voice in their care, treatment and support is essential.

Katelyn Mack said...

I was surprised as well. Mostly because (embarrassingly enough) I didn't realize it was World AIDS Day until I got to HSPH and saw the giant quilt in the middle of the lobby! The next day I saw a picture in the New York Times and the Metro ran a story that day. But boy, was it underreported.

Nonetheless, you did some great work! It's a pleasure to be able to promote it =)