Sunday, March 20, 2011

What Shapes Health? Find Out!

I've always had the perspective that my successes and wellbeing were influenced by factors far beyond my individual control. My family, friends, and influential members of my community provided me with opportunities and a perspective on life that helped me to 1) not be afraid to tackle challenges and 2) believe that I could be "whatever I wanted to be" if I worked hard enough.

So what does shape our health?

Is it genetics? 
Access to health care?
What you eat? 
Your environment?
The beliefs and culture you grew up in? 

I bet its a mix of all of these, with a special emphasis on those things in our social, political and economic context that are easy to ignore or may seem too difficult to measure or evaluate. I've talked about the importance of recognizing the social determinants of health in my April 2009 post 90210: Does ZIP Code Affect Health?

A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation webinar explores this question and many more this coming Thursday. Dr. David Williams, Professor at Harvard School of Public Health will moderate the discussion.

Register below and attend!

Thursday, March 24, 2:00-3:30 p.m. (EST)
What Shapes Health?
A panel discussion on how our environments and experiences, including those that shape development in childhood, also shape our opportunities to live healthy lives. Moderated by David Williams, Ph.D., former staff director of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Commission to Build a Healthier America.

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